About me

I’ve worked at schools, universities, foundations, non-profits, summer camps, a management consulting firm, a restaurant, a vegetable store, and a swimming pool.

I’ve directed a communications department, a research program, a writing program, a teacher education program, and a summer camp. Along the way, I’ve gotten tenure, raised a lot of money, and coached and mentored more people than I could count.

I’ve taught writing, literature, humanities, women's studies, education, English as a Second Language, and swimming.

I’ve written a lot of things, including a book about 19th-century British diaries. You can read some of my other writing here.

I’ve climbed Mount Washington, rafted down the Grand Canyon, run two marathons, and snuck into an empty pyramid in Giza.

I’ve got a B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, both in English. I’ve been trained by Jim Knight (Instructional Coaching Group), Research for Better Teaching, PBLWorks (back when it was the Buck Institute), and Peter Senge and Mette Boell at the Center for Systems Awareness.

I’ve been Clerk of the Board of the Farm and Wilderness Foundation, President of the Board of the Arlington Education Foundation, and a Board Member at the Stratford Ecological Center

I live with my husband in Arlington, Massachusetts, where my two grown daughters occasionally show up.